Friday, October 5, 2012

Times come  by aarti dilawari ( a small poem)

The time has come for you, To decide and make up your own mind,

Stop looking for the answers.

Save all your energy for When You, Really need to hop and take big leaps,

Just spread your wings and fly.

Time waits for no one, yeah, shure It's never what it seems to be,

live each dream in your mind, fully.

This tikling life like a butterfly, some time on your eyes then your lips,

Ready to blow your dreams away.

I know it's Hope that waits for you, in the corner of the street smiling at you,

We do not plan but things happen.

the dimples of your cheeks Indicate, your waiting period is now being rewarded, your goals spread on the vast ocean. '

each single line of smile on your lips, you have earned it each night and day,

so slowly you made your goals and worked on it.

by aarti dilawari

Thursday, October 4, 2012

21st centurys She OR HE WANTS TO PARTY as a drama Queen.

Berserk…. naw men make a mountain out of a molehill by screaming at small thing just because HE WANTS TO PARTY over a petty issue in front of everyone this “drama He Queen”  was used for men born in or before 1920s these men were best example when men wanted all the attention on him amongst his big family which consisted of parents grand parents  & his own  countless siblings we come across such men whose whole world revolved around his histrionics character traits which is often attributed to women. This macho man the so called drama queen cribs more like a women an emotional outburst  this dependent personality which he unknowingly picked up during his growing years where he has seen lots of black drama from his parents or siblings behavior to get attention. Such years had women all the time working hard all alone for the house she had seen her mother in the same situation and with so many siblings to be married of with limited amount of, money, so girls believed it to be their bad kismat to be born as a girl child, also the pattern of life with too many siblings made a women feel  like a commodity which a man bought home for his entire families use. I am talking of the time when my dadi or nani never even saw the husbands face before marriage nor the men had seen their women face it was the mother of the son who did the job, a strong women who ran the house with no helpers around. This women ran the charkha for cloth making , also she grinded the wheat with her own hands ,to prepare the food her duties were  much hard even the thought of it shivers  my heart . the burning coals sometimes & other times just the branches she needed to be a perfect homemaker where she blew the trumpet  all buy her self but by  the end of the day washings clothes & cleaning big utensils followed in between she never got the chance to even eat her food she was to take care of her in laws while eating  food by fanning and when her mother in -law slept she was to press her legs as if she was the one who was doing the whole work of the house ,needs of her countless children & there core of the day tired her above all every ear she had a child birth all this was so well organized that the man never even picked up a glass of water and at times was also called as Swami…Lord. Soon 1960s came with yet another breed of men who wanted less siblings say two or three, but yet the changing situation did not make the man less boring yet a fond resemblance of a cute macho man but with dark drama queen was fun it was like spending time more with a other women but this man refused to change wanted the ASME ATTENTION LIKE HIS FATHER the women grabbed the situation and some took to passing time with friends in kitty party some joined  distance education college some took to tuitions and handling the house this new breed of man in that same old bottle of wine was like or worse than his father because he was more insecure than his life partner because she was more smart more intelligent and fully developed in handling any situation now she knew how to handle her man she was given house helper but with no money in her hand to face a bitter situation to handle where she was far away from her native place and her in laws but now stepped in the shkuuni chacha who was sent with the elders son to take care of his earned money  and his emotion also just not to forget to fill his own pockets. some women lost their husbands in early age so in stepped a society where remarriage was a well come issue and so she got remarried and at home she took care of his and her children together she put her hands in her pervious husbands business she also managed to take care of her previous in law as some time she was also forced to leave her children wither parents if divorced and at times keep the children with her in laws where there was only one heir to the old in laws their sons son. The 1960 men got divided into 75 -25 some less others more big drama queens, sometimes he may not love the drama as much as the attention it brought ,they always got away with this kind of behavior as he got attention and also got what he wanted. This dual advantage gave him a face lift in the society he lived in because it suited him this be continued

Saturday, May 8, 2010

cash-ash eruption or ression

This years happenings left us all in black moods ...when icelands economy died , its final wish was that its ashes be scatered across know the darker the clouds the blacker the humour times of trauma.Sick stories you must have come across them in your life time , sick humour is like a double toxic dilution prescribed to cure & allivate a deper malaise,it is a psychic mass emotional hangover. Its based on the terapeutic principle that a double administered dose of poison that made you ill can make you feal better .....some call this black humour situation as Catch-22, like more of graveyard humour... many socities give full recognisation to graveyard humour. So we can conclude that black humour has today recognised its place in our society, simple reason because its the hiss of the safety valve on pressure cooker...plug,it on your own risk.